Whatever works …this time about … normandie…Poet Emeritus?

Whatever works this time about …. normandie…Poet Emeritus? The one thing (amongst many) that someone soon to be 73 years of age can do , is call or give yourself any title you damn please. So this month I’m no only a POET ( that may actually be a stretch, but what the hell, that’s… Continue reading Whatever works …this time about … normandie…Poet Emeritus?

WHATEVER WORKS…this time about….Normandie..SPEAKER IN THE HOUSE!

WHATEVER WORKS … this time about Normandie:  SPEAKER IN THE HOUSE! So, about six weeks ago, I got a call from a woman who said she was the president of a nationwide group of non-denominational Christian women.  They meet once a month. “Okay,” I said, since I had absolutely no idea of what she wanted. … Continue reading WHATEVER WORKS…this time about….Normandie..SPEAKER IN THE HOUSE!